Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

Hikayat Daun

daun mulai tak kerasan di ujung ranting
bergoyang lalu berucap salam
melambai sejenak lalu mampir
di beranda sungai; mengiba akan akhir yang indah

namun air terlalu bijaksana untuk menolong,
ia tambatkan daun di sisi limbah plastik manusia
bergelantungan dari ujung fajar hingga akhir senja

mangatung-ngatung melambai
berlantun tengadah dengan cerca tak berwajah
sayup-sayup senyap
tiap serat hingga lenyap

langit menangis akan akhir daun yang tak manis
melabrak awan akan adil Tuhan
dalam senyum tipis awan
berujar, puji nikmat adalah emas


Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

Obituari Senja

sebatang lidi micromili menelusup di nadi hati
melambai diiring nafas lelah
; akan dunia dan ranum khuldi

menampil potret sunyi
; sepi warna sepi rasa
menusuk kecil-kecil
tak terasa hingga musnah

hantu diri berulah seijin raga
; tanpa sengal dan peluh
tenang undur diri
Aku sedang tak ingin bicara

aku sedang tak ingin berkatakata
layaknya padi mengkaji hari

aku sedang tak ingin berkatakata
setenang air bertempat mengalir sahaja

aku sedang tak ingin berkatakata
karena sunyi adalah puncak derita.

Hari di bekap lelaki tua


angin melambai malas di hari resah,

akan dapur yang kian tumpul dan

periuk yang kian kurus


cahaya menjulang di luar batas

dekap tangan merangkul

lepuh kerut mengikir di tiap sisi


lelap tidur adalah lepas khilaf

tanpa buhur karena kata serupa jilat api di lidah

;membakar setiap jujur

memupuk kelam dari dan di diri


tak ada mata mampu menetes

wajah terlalu penuh dengan cemoreng

nasib sepi ingin, diberangus


swasangka putih tidak hadir hari ini.


Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

The Importance of Education

Our prophet Muhammad S.A.W has said,”Tholabul ilmi faridzotun ala kulli muslimin wal muslimat.” Education is a must for every person, male or female. This doesn’t mean to learn all branch of science but it is meant to seek ilmul hal; science which represents us, represents our obligations as Muslims and Indonesian people. Let’s take an example. As Muslims, our obligations are doing five times pray; shubuh, dzuhur, asher, maghrib and isya’. To do this, we have to know what is must, mustn't, should, shouldn't in our pray. To be a great person in linguist, we have to learn phonology, semantics, morphology, syntax and many more. To be a Doctor we have to be expert in taxonomy, virology, microbiology, and many more. Knowing what to do to perform our obligation properly is also our obligation. Ma yutawasolu bihi ila iqomatil wajib fahual wajib.

Besides ilmul hal, we also need to learn ilmu ahwalil qulub; science which concerns with our mentality inside, between us, ourselves, and Allah S.W.T. Such as; be patient in facing Allah line of destiny and also always has a good prejudice at Allah.

The last but not least is ilmul ahlaq; science which concerns with our mentality among humans. Foe example; be friendly, have some respect for others, sincere and lots more. 
These three science should be combined and perform a unity in shape. These are the three main points of education.

We cannot deny that the quality of our education is still poor. It is a fact that our education achievement is at the bottom within South-East Asia countries, even we are left behind our neighbours. There are many problems in our education system. Let me give some examples: many teachers are poorly trained both in their subject matters and in teaching skills, our teachers’ salaries are low, our education fee is still expensive, and also other crucial problems related with the curriculum, national exam (UN), and teacher certification.

Our education policy merely is touching the outside layer. It’s only focused on ilmul hal with a small part for ilmul ahwalil qulub and lmul ahlaq. As a proof, the public school only gives an hour in one week for ”Agama” Class. Our education system only educates Indonesian people from outside not inside. The results are, corruption everywhere; Gayus Tambunan, Anggodo Widjojo, Artalita Suryani, the doctor only serves the rich and abandon the poor, the teachers are too busy with their certifications and dispose their students, and lots of other cases which indicates our awful mentality.

To build Indonesian people we need the three education aspects; ilmul hal to equipt our society with skill and ability to chase our behind, ilmul ahwalil qulub to teach us not to be pessimistic in facing life and Allah’s faith, and ilmul ahlaq to teach how to behave as a civilise people.

To end this, I'll quote a wise expression:“Ta’allam! Fainnal ilma zainun liahlihi. Wa fadzlun wa unwanun likullil mahamidi. Wa kun mustafidan kulla yaumin ziyadatan minal ilmi. Wasbah fi buhuril fawa’idi”. Science is a precious treasure for their owner. Science is also an assist and glory for every greatness been created. Make sure your each day worth by adding knowledge and sink in the sea of wonder, because learning, studying, gaining knowledge is a never ending duty, since we’ve been able to cry until we die.

Note: It is addapted from Ta'limul Muta'allim by Syeikh Zarnuji